Wednesday, 30 July 2014

BIM Concept
 A shift in process and expectation is happening in the Indian construction
market  following  the economic bloom and gloom, and architects are stepping up to the challenge. The  focus is shifting from traditional 2D based to a practical reality with respect to functional, economic, energy, etc. All disciplines involved with a project can share a single database.  Architecture, structure, mechanical,electrical, infrastructure, and construction are tied together and challenge to coordinate them is unprecedentedly possible. Energy analysis can be done at early stage of design, and construction costs are becoming more predictable.
                BIM allows use of a parametric 3D model to auto generate traditional building documents such as plans, sections, elevations, details, and schedules. Drawings produced using BIM supported software’s are not of manually coordinated lines, but interactive representations of a model. The changes made in this Model are automatically coordinated throughout the project, which eliminate the coordination mistakes, improve overall quality of the work.

                There are many modeling software packages in the fields  which have excellent application for conceptual level models, but these models don’t have the ability to document a building design for construction.

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