Friday, 17 October 2014

BIM Projects

BIM brings together design, analysis, collaboration, and documentation for the benefit of all parties involved in a building project. Yet so many programs force creative constraints upon the design. But Vectorworks Architect software allows you to find your balance—to maintain creative freedom while making it easy for everyone involved in the project to efficiently work together.
The Arboleda Open BIM Project is an example of this efficiency and a demonstration of how to implement a BIM workflow using Vectorworks software. For this project, our industry specialists examined Arboleda, a residential building in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Designed by the architectural firm Modo Forma, Arboleda is a multi-family, multi-story in-fill project that was completed in 2011. The building is sited in the middle edge of a city block. Existing structures surround the building and help to frame the iconic appearance of the tower amid Santo Domingo’s urban landscape.

The Modo Forma team executed this residential project with a BIM approach; however, it was limited to architectural purposes only. Therefore, Nemetschek Vectorworks, with the support of its global partners, wanted to investigate the project more deeply by revisiting and documenting what could have happened if the project had been realized using a collaborative Open BIM approach based on the Vectorworks program and the IFC file format. The culmination of this desire is what you see here and what’s known as the “Arboleda Open BIM Project.”

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